Mobile app and desktop not sync, old emails stuck in mobile


we used POP for our protocol and when I installed mobile app, emails downloaded from server to mobile (and not desktop) and they are not on server anymore.
Old emails were not visible in desktop and at that time I did not know why. So I reinstalled desktop emclient and it did not fix the problem. Moreover, the connection between mobile and desktop was lost. So in order to be able to use mobile, I want to restore connection with desktop. I am afraid I will lose emails from mobile by reinstalling. I did not find any ability to download or backup emails from mobile. Since its not connected with desktop now I can not even forward emails to some other address. I downloaded the application file from android app file to my computer. But did not find any .eml files there.

If I reinstall mobile and connect it with desktop will emails which were on mobile so far transfer to desktop or at least stay in mobile or disappear?

Please advise.

Use Imap or Activesync instead of Pop3 you wont loose anything unless you delete it, when you do something on your phone it apply to your PC and vice versa since it’s server side not client side.

There is a 1 reason why it’s worth using Pop3 (Archival on a local server) but outside of that, it’s more efficient to use Imap and ActiveSync when it’s a personal inbox on multiple devices.

Also depending who’s your provider in their mailbox setting you can select keep the email when push to client which serve as an archives for you so when you sync a new client you can request the past X months of email.

Hope this was helpful.

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We used POP for our protocol and when I installed mobile app, emails downloaded from server to mobile (and not desktop) and they are not on server anymore.

That is unusual your emails are still not on your mail server, as “by default for POP accounts” the eM Client App for mobile is set to "leave a copy of messages on the server for 1 week before they are removed from the server.

So either the eM Client app POP account setting to leave a copy of messages on server “was disabled” or eM Client for desktop was set to “Not leave a copy of messages on server”.

I just setup an example POP account using the latest Android app V9.3.4908 and its definitely set to “Leave the mail on server for 1 week” unless you disabled or changed that option as per the example screenshots below.

Also in eM Client eg: V9 for desktop, when you setup a POP account, it’s also set by default to “Leave a copy of messages on server” for 1 week unless you disabled or changed that option as in the example screenshot end of post below.

So check both the app and desktop account setups that you have set to leave a copy of messages on server and it’s set for the same amount of days so they get the same mail.

(Android app POP account setup example)

(eM Client for desktop POP example)

“Menu / Accounts”

Well, I understand that now also. Any advice to situation I described? How do I get those emails from mobile?

Again, usefull for future, but can you advise what to do now? Well, Any advice to situation I described? How do I get those emails from mobile?


can you advise what to do now?

You have three options.

1). You can manually forward those downloaded emails that are only in the mobile app one at a time back to your own email address which then eM Client for desktop will be able to download.

Note: If you do that option, make sure your eM Client desktop POP account setup is also set as I mentioned to "leave a copy of messages on server for X days u set eg: 7 days.


2). You can select all those emails downloaded in the mobile app “by holding your finger on the first email and then just touching the other messages till all selected”. Then “once all the messages are selected”, press the 3 vertical dots at the top right and select “Save to file” on the dropdown. Those saved emails will go into your “Android or Apple Downloads” folder and will be all separate .eml message files.

You can then “connect your mobile phone to your computer” via a USB cable or WiFi connection and then drag all those saved downloaded .eml message files to a folder on your computer desktop. Lastly drag the .eml message file’s directly into your eM Client Inbox.

Note: If you have an iPhone, the downloaded files can be in your iCloud downloads which you can then access from your computer directly.

3). Lastly you could alternatively ask your mailbox provider if they keep backups of your mail which they then possibly might be able to restore. Some providors do keep backups.

As @ShaunY advised for future, you should really look at ultimately changing to an eg: IMAP, or Exchange etc type setup due to its advantages where all devices are allways synced both ways.