Mobile Account turns into "offline" mode

using em Client on mobile phone (andoid), some mail saccounts (not sall) were often set into “offline mode” and a red exclamation mark is shown. I did not find any way to set to “online” mode and avoid that em Client sets offline mode some minutes/hours later again.

Does anyone know how to resolve this problem?


I’ve encountered the exact same problem with eM Client on my Android phone. Some of my email accounts also frequently switch to “offline mode,” displaying the red exclamation mark, and I haven’t been able to find a way to permanently keep them online. Unfortunately, this issue persists after a few minutes or hours of use.

If the mobile app is sometimes changing to offline mode, that normally means the data connection to the mobile is being interrupted by either some eg: third party program on the mobile device, or the physical connection is dropping or got so slow to the point the app can’t connect anymore.

So if you are running any eg: mobile optional firewall security type programs or optional antivirus programs or VPNs, try completely disabling those to test in case of interference.

Apart from that test your mobile internet connection (whether cell or wifi) to see how stable and constant it is, to make sure it’s not dropping down seriously low or lagging / delaying which can sometimes cause mail clients to go offline. is a good site.

On my own mobile on cell data atm, I am getting 4 cell bars constant with 25mbps speed and no offline mode issues at all with eM Client.

If you are using cell (non wifi connection) ideally you should have eg: a constant min 2-3 signal bars “for mail clients to work properly” or they might drop out. If you start dropping down to 1 bar you can have issues.

Lastly if your mobile “is randomly loosing the physical connection”, sometimes that can be also related to eg: early mobile firmware, so check that you have the latest firmware for your device.

I found that if you set your battery settings to “Unrestricted” in the App info settings, this will stop the app from going “offline” downside of this, will be the battery life will drain quicker depending on usage etc etc. So if you go to your phones settings>Apps>eM Client>scroll down to Battery and tap “Unrestricted” then go back to eM Client and force stop then go back to your home screen and tap the eM Client App icon to restart it.

Using Samsung Galaxy S24+ with Android Kernel version 6.1.43 One UI Version 6.1 Android 14… One Gmail account and one Outlook account. eM Client v10.0.3530. Eset Mobile security, BT fibre 1 WiFi.

As I said, this has worked for me and my set up but as we all know everybody’s devices are different in set up and apps etc etc. I was getting two errors
1: Going offline every few minutes-Gmail account & Outlook, with a red exclamation mark on the avatar.
2: Microsoft would ask me for my username and password every few minutes and no matter how many times I put it in, a pop up screen still appeared prompting me.

I’ve been using this setup for the past couple of days with the new battery settings and no error messages or pop ups so far.


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Good tip about setting eM Client app Battery to Unrestricted.

I found one friend of mine who had eM Client Droid mobile app installed with a Microsoft IMAP account was randomly getting the error “account went offline” with the latest app as in the screenshot below end of post.

I checked everything in his phone and looked all ok and data connection was stable and constant, so suspected he might have a corrupted account or corrupted app in someway.

So removed the account and cleared the cache and data and uninstalled the app and reinstalled the app and setup the account again via the desktop QR code and no longer getting the error.

I did send an email to [email protected] detailing my woes with this software on the 15th August unbeknown to me that a new version had just been released, so I thought I’d give one more chance and read somewhere on the net about the battery settings and it was just a case of trial & error and “unrestricted” seems to work, but will have to keep an eye on the power consumption. Great looking bit of software, I have the pro version on my Laptop and Acer AIO which I’m very pleased with. Tried a few email apps on the phone but some look very clunky & outdated. Anyway will keep you posted if any changes occur relating to this problem.

Unfortunately I encountered the same problem, this time with the server hccnet. It is just impossible to keep the account online…

The battery solution nor the re-install on Android worked. Meanwhile the same problem occurred on my windows laptop.

So I’ll uninstall this software.