Migration issues (Mac / iOS)


Running eM 10.0.3125 (a02ee5a) on different Mac OS (14.5 and 13.6.7) and iOS 17.5.1

So far so good, except for one issue: the “Settings.xml” file is NOT recognized across different Macs running on both OS versions, meaning I have to setup eM Client manually on every Mac OS (no such issue with iOS / QR code migration).

Thanks for any tips / hints to resolve this.

You can’t import an xml exported from a newer version.

The versions need to be the same, or the destination needs to be a newer version.

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Thanks, Gary

Just to clarify - ALL Macs run the latest eM Version 10.0.3125, so you are talking about MacOS versions…?

How did you create this settings.xml file?
Could you share this failing .xml file without passwords?
Gary was talking about eM versions. You cannot import .xml from a newer version than the one you are using.

As explained Export → Settings to XML file, chose location…

I have now re-installed the same updated eM Client version 10.0.3266 (7060eea) on all Macs, have re-exported the XML settings file, and am now getting the attached error message. Meaning, NOTHING happens.

I have even made sure that all Mac apps are using the same eM Client Theme used when creating the XML file - still, same error & nothing imports.

How difficult can this be…?? Is this what I paid Lifetime license for, so you can waste my time helping you try to find a bug in your software…? Are you paying me for doing this for you…?

Open the exported settings.xml in the TextEdit.app, search for the “UseFolderColorFor” text and replace the value next to it from 3 to 2. Save it and you’re done, you can import it. eM Client will surely fix it soon…

Oh yes, I had the same issue with the “UseFolderColorFor” line in the settings.xml. I did just remove the complete line, and then the import was successful between some Macs and Windows PCs.

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Or, if you don’t want to edit the file manually, change the value of the drop-down named “Use folder color for” in eM Client/Preferences/General/Folders/Colors to one of the first three values, press Apply and then export settings.

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Thanks for the tips - but after doing all this, guess what…yet even more error reports!

What an absolute giant piece of buggy software this is!!! I will immediately ask for a refund. Let’s see if they live up to their “no questions asked” policy!!!

I guess you just did something else, but who knows. It doesn’t look like you’re looking for help any more.