Migrate to new pc

Whats the best way to move my local folders, contacts,. etc, including my license to a new pc? I thought I could find the files on my other hard drive, which is now accessible via a USB, or should I try to get it to boot into the old pc and do an export?

See the following post from @Gary on how to transfer your exiting email with all the settings etc to your new computer using the backup and restore feature in eM Client.

Transfer eM from one pc to another - Frequently Asked Questions - eM Client

(Post from Gary)

The best method to move to a new PC is thorough backup/restore. As the backup is a complete snapshot of eM Client, it will be exactly the same when restored on another computer, including any preferences or column configurations.

The best way to move eM Client to another computer, and to ensure all your data and settings are brought over is through Backup and Restore.

On the old device:

  1. Create a backup through Menu > Backup (Menu > File > Backup in eM Client 7 and older)
  2. Deactivate your license if you are no longer going to use eM Client on this device in Menu > Help > License
  3. Find the .ZIP backup file and move it to your new device (default in …\Documents\eM Client)

On your new device:

  1. Install eM Client (http://www.emclient.com/download )
  2. Skip initial setup
  3. Restore from your backup through Menu > File > Restore. If you put the backup file on the new device in the same folder structure as the default (…\Documents\eM Client) the restore will find it right away, otherwise, you’ll need to specify the path where the backup file can be found (Menu > Settings > General > Backup).
  4. Activate your license in Menu > Help > License