I have tried to send an ordinary email to my daughter who has a hotmail account. The message cannot be sent because the email body was not accepted for a policy reason 5.7.1
[SMTP] Cannot send message (Sending email “business” failed with error: Email body not accepted due to the following reason:
"5.7.1 Reject for policy reason
What am I supposed to do? there is no explanation of the policy in question, so how can I edit the message to remove any objectionable text? Not that there is any.
I have tried to send an ordinary email to my daughter who has a hotmail account. The message cannot be sent because the email body was not accepted for a policy reason 5.7.1
That error policy rejected can be due to eg: could be something in the header, subject or body of the email deemed possibly spam, so is rejected sending to Hotmail.
Or could be due to the SMTP server you are with has been blocked due to eg: maybe there is other users on the same SMTP server sending spam to Hotmail so gets rejected.
Or can be blocked due to eg: if you have a domain name email address, it may not be SPF & DMARC verified, or can be an eg: unauthorised Domain or IP address. So gets rejected at Hotmail.
So can be many reasons why it’s rejected.
You will need to contact your SMTP server technical support and tell them you are getting
5.7.1 Reject for policy reason when emailing your daughter’s Hotmail email address, and they will advise how to get that fixed.
In the meantime, suggest for your daughter to maybe setup an alt free eg: Gmail , Outlook or Yahoo account so you can email her.