Back at work when we had to keep track of important emails we’d flag them or there was a way to have them appear in different color (yellow I think). That way we could keep on top of important emails to deal. That was in Outlook. Is there a way we could do the same in eM Client with important emails appearing in color? I am on V10 now.
Back at work when we had to keep track of important emails we’d flag them or there was a way to have them appear in different colour (yellow I think).
You can flag an email “just to the left of the subject” as in the 1st example screenshot below.
Those flagged emails then appear in the “Flagged menu” on the left under “Favourites” as per the 2nd screenshot example below.
Note:- If you don’t see Favourites, using eM Client V10, Click “Menu / Settings (Preferences) / General / Folders” and select Favourites and Save and Close.
You can also use “Tags” for important or other priority emails with whatever colour you like by clicking Tags either “on the Toolbar above the messages” or by “right clicking the subject and selecting Tags on the dropdown menu”. You will then see that Tag colour in the body of the email top right and to the left of the subject as in the 1st example screenshot below.
Those Tagged important or priority emails will then appear below Favourites as in the 2nd example screenshot below.
To setup Tag colours and Tag names, click “Menu / Tags” (Pc) “Tools / Tags” (Mac).
Note:- If you don’t see Tags, using eM Client V10, Click “Menu / Settings (Preferences) / General / Folders” and select “Tags in Mail” and Save and Close.