Mailgun Tracking Pixel?

For many emails I reply to, I am asked, “Do you want to download tracking pixel from Mailgun?” I don’t know what that is and think I probably do not. I do not experience this with any other email client. Can someone tell me what this is so I can decide whether or not I would want to download the pixel. Also, if I do not, can I permanently answer this question for all future email replies I make so I don’t have to answer the question every time? Thanks!

For many emails I reply to, I am asked, “Do you want to download tracking pixel from Mailgun?” I don’t know what that is and think I probably do not.

Mailgun is a provider of email API services you can use to send, validate, and receive emails through your domain at scale. It also lets you track the performance of your sent emails with robust open, click, bounce, and delivery tracking. It has an email validation service, powered by its email sending cache, which provides some of the most accurate validation results on the market.

So if you don’t want to be tracked reading emails from Mailgun then “Dont allow tracking in eM Client”. In eM Client Pro you have the option to “Block any tracking pixels” See eM Client webpage below.

Email Tracking | eM Client | eM Client

Also see eM Client 9 Tracking Pixel video how it works in the Pro version.

eM Client 9 - The next version of eM Client is here! | eM Client

(Tracking Pixel Video in eM Client V9)

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We are looking into false positives for the MailGun tracking. That said, the general advice from CyberZork is still relevant.