Mail in Junk folder

A lot of my good mail goes to the Junk
This seems to be increasing.
Every day I have more good mail in the junk folder.

Well, this really depends on what is moving the messages to Junk to begin with.

Normally, it is your server, so you will need to login to their webmail interface, select the message in spam, and mark it as not spam. Thereafter the server should always leave messages from that sender in the Inbox.

But it can also be caused by eM Client moving the messages if you have previously blacklisted the sender or their domain. If that is the case, go to the Junk folder and right-click on the message choosing Move to Inbox > Move to Inbox and remove blacklisted … You can also go to Menu > Rules and edit the Blacklist Rule if you have one. See if the sender’s address or domain is in the list and remove it.
This option will have no effect if it is the server moving the messages.