List of recent folders email has been moved to

As a recent convert from Thunderbird, I made heavy use of the recent folders list when moving emails. It has been recommended to move them automatically using a rule, but I do not want them in the final folder until I am done with it.

For example, I order something from company Achme, I get the confirmation email. When I get the shipped email, the confirmation is moved to the final folder. Then the shipped email is moved when I receive what was ordered.

There are some of the emails that I move that could use the automated function, but others I would prefer handling manually. Please consider adding a list of recent folders used for move or copy, etc.



Yes a move or copy to recent folders in eM Client would be great especially when you have a long folder list :+1: There is alot of threads on this forum who would like that.

Ps I’ve been asking Google to add move to recent folders to their Gmail app on mob & Gmail via the web for years now but hasn’t happened yet. Outlook on the mob app and on the web have it already.