Link does not correspond

Hi there,

Similar questions have been asked a few times now, but this is a slightly different request as far as I can tell.

When a displayed link is different to the actual link, it’s generally going via some tracking service.

Is there a way to use the displayed? Either by default, in the alert popup


Most messages have a link like “Shop now” that has a URL that goes via a tracking service. The only way to bypass the tracking service is to use a non-tracking search engine like DuckDuckGo to find the actual address of the website.

Other messages have a link that by hovering over the link, you see it actually goes to a different website. In this case you can select and copy the link text and paste that in your browser.

This is what I meant about providing a button to go to the displayed URL

As opposed to the dialog built into Em currently

Em detects that it’s going elsewhere, but provides only a warning, and no useful actions.

This is the displayed email content

This would also be a lot easier if the formum let me put more than one image in a post at a time.