Licensing and Wine

Hi, I’m thinking of switching to eM Client. I’m mainly a Linux User for my private stuff, but for work I have to use Windows. I’ve checked out to run eM Client on Linux via Wine and it works flawless.

I have two devices in use (Desktop + Laptop) and both run Linux and Windows. If I were to use eM Client on both devices and on both OS, would I need two or four licenses?


Interesting question.

The license is per computer, and the way that works is that it uses the hardware address of the motherboard as well as the BIOS serial number to determine which computer it is on.

As long as Linux and Windows give the same hardware information, you will only need one license for the computer.

I suggest you write to eM Client ([email protected]) and ask them to verify that.

And let us know the outcome as well. :grin:

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