Keeping getting annoying errors

How common is this? Does anyone else get this? I always get random errors like the 2 shown below. How do I fix it?

I have four Hotmail accounts - two on imap, two on Exchange.  I get this error a few times a day on any of the accounts. I mainly see it after resuming the computer from Sleep mode. 
It is a nuisance.

Major nuisance. Have had this error since I used eM Client, very irritating. Please update if you find a remedy. 

I have been using EM for a month now on a trial and have constant errors popping up and had to turn off the notifications box because it became so annoying.

Same here!! I’m looking for new email client but there is nothing on the market. i would even buy a pro license but as long this annoying popup occurs I WONT!

so annoying!! Indeed.

Can someone hack the app and get rid of this crap?

Hello everybody,

We are sorry that you are experiencing errors. In order for us to be able to see what the issue is, we will however need to see screenshots of the errors. There is also a tab in the same window as the errors titled ‘Log’ - could you please copy its content here?

Thank you,