Junk emails

No problems for years but in the last few days I have been bombarded with junk email.

Not something caused by eM Client as no matter which  email client, you will have the same problem.

Best thing to do is make sure that your email provider’s spam filter is active by checking the settings in their web interface. If the messages are not really spam, but just unwanted messages as a result of you entering your email address somewhere, you can add them to the Blacklist in eM Client. To do that right-click on the message and choose Move to Junk > Move to Junk and blacklist email/domain. Any further messages from that sender will automatically be moved to the Junk folder.

As a rule, never click on any link in a spam-type email, especially the unsubscribe links. Sometimes spammers are fishing for active addresses and as soon as you try to unsubscribe, they know this is a valid address and you may find increased spam arriving in your Inbox.

Thanks for prompt reply. I think that you are right and that I may have tried to unsubscribe from a spam like email. I have been adding these emails to the blacklist as you suggest. It may take time before this has any effect. In the meantime how can I check which email/domains are in my blacklist ? Cheers Nev

Go to Menu > Tools > Rules and click on the Blacklist Rule. Choose Modify Rule to edit the list.

When I click ‘Modify Rule’ I get a response ‘cannot edit a rule which has not been composed using the wizard’.

Choose the Blacklist Rule, not the Spam filter Rule. The later cannot be modified.

Got it. Thanks