JMAP support wanted

Are there any plans to support JMAP?

Best regards

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I am interested in updates on JMAP as well

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Interested in this as well because I can run my own JMAP proxy and make email synchronisation faster and probably reduce battery drain on mobiles

JMAP is not really meant to be used with desktop client apps, rather it is designed to work with webclients instead.

However, we did investigate the possibility of supporting it, and even created a prototype eM Client application. Unfortunately the only real implementation of JMAP is Cyrus, which is full of bugs and incomplete features, so not really usable.

At this time we don’t see any benefit using JMAP instead of IMAP, but if it goes through a rewrite and has some actual server support, we may revisit it in the future.

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BTW, Stalwart has JMAP server to text against

This would be awesome! server seems pretty decent