Jak vyberu pouze nepřečte zprávy ze složky "odstraněná pošta" eM Client 6.0.24928.0

Jak vyberu pouze nepřečte zprávy ze složky  “odstraněná pošta” eM Client 6.0.24928.0 ? How do I select only UNREAD the messages from the “Deleted Items” eM Client 6.0.24928.0?


The fastest way of doing this would be going to Menu -> Edit -> Find, selecting the ‘Deleted Items’ folder and then Marked as Read - No. If this is something that you’d like to use often, you can also create a search folder (lower left corner)


eM Client 6.0.24928.0   have not  Menu :o(

I would like select ALL UNREAD message from trash. I cannot sorted its.

I found the possibility in  6.0.24928.0 . Thank you for Help