Hello everyone,
I’m currently experiencing an issue with using IMAP on port 993 in eM Client. I believe this may be related to the initial setup of the email client, which used non-SSL port 143 and asked me to accept/verify the certificate. It seems that as a result, I am unable to connect to port 993.
The SSL certificate is for a subdomain imap-server-com, and I need to use SSL/TLS on server-com on port 993. Unfortunately, eM Client will only connect to port 143 on imap-server-com and not 993 on server-com. My other email clients are all working with IMAP port 993, but eM Client seems to be giving me trouble.
I’ve been trying to find a way to delete the accepted certificate and try to use port 993 on server-com, but I’m not seeing that setting available to me. Does anyone have any suggestions or solutions for this issue? If curious, SMTP works fine on port 465.
Things I’ve tried:
- Removing the account and adding the account back manually, not through the wizard.
- Using the fix/diagnose button, but this only fixes it by replacing the server with imap-server-com and using port 143.
Setting up other emails with the same server on ports 993/465, em Client keeps forcing them to use port 143 and 25. Everytime without fail the fix/diagnose buttons revert the settings to 143/25, even when I explicitly set the port and use/force SSL/TLS, all other email clients work on 993/465 (outlook, thunderbird, mailbird)
This is my first time using emClient, it’s a fresh install on Win 11, eM Client 9.2.1735.
Thank you in advance for your help.