I am just now using a slow internet connection. Downloads are slow. Sending email sometimes seems to hang. Is there a setting in eM Client which will make it wait longer for server response? Some clients seem to be less affected by this slow response.
I am just now using a slow internet connection. Downloads are slow. Sending email sometimes seems to hang. Is there a setting in eM Client which will make it wait longer for server response?
What speed internet connection are you currently getting when receiving or sending ?
A good site to check your dl / ul speed if you carn’t see that is eg: https://www.speedtest.net/
Also what type of connection are you using ?
I am using DSL, century link. speed it supposed to be about 10 MB down and 600 KB upload. it seems like it is a lot lower than that much of the time, due to various internet server responses. Maybe they just use to slow of Internet connection for the load.
I am using DSL, century link. speed it supposed to be about 10 MB down and 600 KB upload. it seems like it is a lot lower than that much of the time.
Ok that sounds like very basic dsl 1 speed where you generally get alot less than what they quote. I had years ago a connection like that and was lucky to get more than dialup speeds on it due to eg: excessive noise in the line apart from bandwidth issues at certain times of the day with the provider overselling the service so then going slow with too many users & the dsl service then not coping.
So unfortunately if you are getting eg: timeouts / connection delays receiving or sending there is no adjustment in eM Client to help with that. Most mailer clients also don’t adjust for that.
If you are eg: running any third party optionally installed Firewall / Security programs or Antivirus programs or VPNs other than the basic OS try completely disabling those to see if that helps. Sometimes that can help on slow connections.
If you don’t have anything like that optionally installed or makes no difference then I can only suggest to either contact your dsl provider to see if they can maybe switch you to a better dsl port that has maybe less noise on the line to speed it up, or failing that see if they can switch you to dsl2, or maybe look at Optional Satellite if you carn’t get anything else depending on where you live.
Or you could maybe use a Wifi connection to your Mobile cell hotspot if you get good cell 4G connections depending on the mobile cell data costs in your area & how quick that is there. A friend of mine used that (in a very regional area where his dsl service was terrible) with a wifi USB stick on his desktop computer connected to his 4G mobile / cell hotspot for many years till NBN eventually came to his regional area.
Lastly also “if you haven’t powered off your computer and modem / router for sometime do that” as you can also get old stale auto assigned ISP WAN IP addresses “which can then go much slower than normal after alongtime”. So wait 2 mins and then power the modem / router back on which will then get a new IP address. Might help.