Is there a way to hide server folders?

I’m setting up eM Client for wife whose computer I maintain. I wish only Local Folders to be displayed and Server folders to be hidden. Is there a way to do this? Thanks

You can hide mail account folders either by “right clicking directly on the account name” and then click show / hide folders.

Or alternatively you can hide mail account folders by “right clicking on the actual folder or label” and click hide.

Either way you do it, the hidden folders / labels will only then show under +More at the bottom of each mail account.

Thanks cyberzork. I’m familiar with that solution, but it doesn’t seem to work with the top 3 folders (ie, Inboxes, Server1, and Server2). Those are the folders I wish to hide.

I’m familiar with that solution, but it doesn’t seem to work with the top 3 folders (ie, Inboxes, Server1, and Server2)

You can hide any email Account Inboxes, Sent boxes , Drafts etc just like any other mail folder or label.

If you are referring to the optional Inboxes tree or Favourites tree “at the top left of eM Client”, then you can disable those from view via “Menu / Settings / General” (Pc) or “eM Client / Preferences / General” (Mac). When you get there, clear the boxes Show Favourites folder and Show Inboxes folder.

You will then only have your actual email account folders displayed which as i said you can then disable any of those primary account folders or sub folders via right clicking and choose hide on them.

Thanks again. The 3 top folders don’t seem to offer the option to hide. The three I refer to are Inboxes, Server 1 and Server 2 shown in the attachment. These are the ones I wish to hide. They are as collapsed as much as they can be apparently. I’d like only the contents of Local Folders to be visible.

If Server 1 and Server 2 are mail accounts, then you can only hide all the folders & labels under them, but not hide the actual email account being that is the email account and not a folder.

The only way “not to show an email account” is to remove the account, but then you would get no mail at all. So you have to keep the account.

The Inboxes tree view “as I mentioned previously” can be removed from view via “Menu / Settings / General” (Pc) or “eM Client / Preferences / General” (Mac). When you get there, clear the box Show Inboxes folder & Save & Close settings.

Thanks. I just removed Inboxes from view, but as you say no way to hide Server 1 and Server 2.

That’s ashame. Most email clients have an option to remove accounts from the all inbox folder.

Well, the All Inboxes folder is exactly that - ALL Inboxes. If it didn’t have all of the Inboxes, we couldn’t call it All Inboxes. :wink:

We don’t have a pre-installed folder called Some Inboxes, but you can create your own Search Folders to display just the folders you want. You will find instructions on how to setup Search Folders in the Documentation (F1).

All inboxes is a subjective term and does not necessarily mean it must show all inboxes. All inboxes should refer to all inboxes I would like to view. Perhaps all inboxes is a bad term, and should be called unified inboxes? I have the option in my SPARK client to show specific accounts in my all mailbox folder


We use it literally. So in eM Client, All Inboxes means a view of ALL the Inbox folders.

It is redundant because you have the inbox Menu which shows all email from all inboxes and then you have the all inboxes folder which shows all email from all inboxes.

Yes, we offer many choices that are varied in what they display. If you don’t want to use the All Inbox folder, right-click on it and choose Display, then untick the option from the list. Or, if you don’t want to display the Inboxes section, right-click on it and choose Display then untick that option.

I am aware of that option and unfortunately does not solve my issue. But thank you.