Incoming server should be POP3

My incoming server uses POP3 not IMAP. How do I change it?

What mail provider do you have?
Did you set up the eMC account automatically?
If so, the server settings should be correct.

lunes 14 septiembre 2020 :: 1706hrs (UTC +01:00)

Hi Bruuce47…

The easiest thing to do as you don’t name you email domain is to set up a new email account in EMC manually.
( I personally do this anyway).

Do the following with EMC Mail in view:

Menu -> Accounts -> Add New Account -> In this window half way down on left -> Mail -> Other
-> Add email address -> Next -> Incoming server -> Select POP3

Continue the set up by filling the required information to complete.

When all this is done you can delete the original account that uses IMAP… BUT ONLY once you have copied everything in the Main window from the OLD mailboxes to the NEW.

If you don’t understand DON’T guess ASK.!

If you have filled in everything correctly…

That’s it!

¡Saludos desde la soleada España!


[email protected]

Thanks, got it. It helps if the internet stays up for more than 5 minutes!

lunes 14 septiembre 2020 :: 1830hrs (UTC +01:00)

Hi Bruuce47…

Pleased to be of help and sorry to hear you have internet connection problems, I don’t have
that issue here in Spain with a 1.2Gb Optical Fibre connection.
As a matter of interest, who is your ISP and email provider?

¡Saludos desde la soleada España!


[email protected]