Incoming msg in Gibberish

In some incoming messages, the subject line appears like this:
× ª × • × “×” × © × ‘× - × ¨ × ª × KSP × ž × - × © ב × ™ × × • × ¡× œ × • × œ × ¨ - × ”× - × ž × ×” × ž × ¡× ¤ ×
Anyone have a solution?

Does the email subject and email body look ok in Webmail via your ISP webpage ?

Also are you EM Client for Windows or Mac and what version of EM Client ?

the subject and the body of message look OK on gmail.
my version 8.0.3385

my emclient is windows version

Sounds like a eg possible sender email formatting type issue that Emclient is trying to interpret and cannot, where Gmail online does support it.

Is the sender using Mac Mail program or any Specific email client ?