Include a "reply to" or "from" field on email compose to populate the "Reply-To:" header

The “Reply-To:” header is a standard and legitimate header field in emails.

emClient has no way of populating that field on a per-message basis.  Setting up Alias accounts is a different thing altogether.  A message sent from an account with a different “reply to” field is perfectly legitimate and simply redirects replies.

The suggestion is to include a “Reply to” or “From” field in a compose form (it could be optional like the CC/BCC button) which will populate that header field.  Postbox, Outlook, Thunderbird, all have this facility.

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I agree.  Excellent idea.

Hi, eM Client automatically assigns a reply address based on the email address the message was received to, so if you have an alias setup for your account in eM Client after hitting reply on an email sent to this alias, the alias should be selected as the from address by default.

Hope this helps,

Hi Paul,

I believe golightlygl wants to be able to manually specify a ‘reply to’ e-mail address when he/she is composing an e-mail.

I wish to specify a “different” reply to address as I am composing the message. This is not spoofing. Email protocols are quite clear that the “from” address and the “reply to” address can be different: that’s why the reply to field exists. So I can send an email, for example, saying “come to a meeting” but replies go to my assistant who is organising it.

Your Alias function is one way of achieving this for some scenarios. However it does not allow per message population of the “reply to” field. my solution is simpler to use and also simpler to code

Hi again,
thank you for clearing this up, and thank you for the suggestion, we’ll consider adding the feature to future releases.

For what you’re describing you might find delegation useful, however this feature is a little bit more complicated and is only supported for some accounts (e.g. Exchange accounts).

Best regards,


Thanks for considering this.  Delegation is quite a different thing:  I do hope you are understanding what I’m asking for.

Just for information, having used emclient for a week I am thrilled with the product and would have moved the company over to it.  There are a couple of small niggles but the one feature I cannot live without is this feature.  Unfortunately, without it I cannot purchase the software.

Hi again, yes I do understand what you’re trying to describe, delegation was just another suggestion what you might find useful.

Thank you for understanding,

Thanks.  I didn’t mean to sound ungrateful: just impatient to have the right feature!

I understand, the feature is under consideration, in the meantime, let us know if you come across any other issues or questions, we’ll be happy to help.

Thank you,

I wonder if there’s been any update on this/  It seems such an easy request to fulfill, would bring emClient up to standard with other mil clients and still fulfil all email protocols.

I agree, has this been done?  The default is that the SMTP server populates those fields and you have no control over that.  It’s very frustrating that my phone has a better email client than my desktop, from the point of view of the recipients of my emails!

I agree, has this been done?  The default is that the SMTP server populates those fields and you have no control over that.  It’s very frustrating that my phone has a better email client than my desktop, from the point of view of the recipients of my emails!

Same here… “Reply to” is absolutelly essential for business emails… It is not possible to migrate to eMClient without this function… :frowning:

No problem then because eM Client automatically inserts the Reply To: header for you. :wink:

If you want to check that, send an email from eM Client, then get the recipient to look at the header.

I’m afraid you don’t understand what we’re talking about here. Of course there is “reply-to” header. But we want to modify it before email is sent. Thunderbird (and other email clients) can do it, eM client does not. I am using this “feature” many times per day.

Unfortunately eM Client does not allow you to manually change that in the compose window.

However, you can setup different addresses (aliases) ahead of time, and then when sending a message just select the alias you want to use.

One more vote in favour of the “direct replies to” feature. When I send a message to A, with B in “cc”, I want to make sure that A replies both to me and B automatically even if A only clicks on “reply” instead of “reply to all”. B will automatically be in the “cc” field of A’s reply, but A can still choose to remove B.
Outlook offers this function when you compose a message: “Options” > “More Options” > “Direct Replies To” > section “Delivery options” > tick “Have replies sent to”

I’d love to see this feature in eM Client.

This is not what is being discussed in this thread. But anyway, “reply” and “reply to all” intentionally have different functions. It has always been like that in every email client. “Reply” means to the sender alone, and “reply to all” means to the sender and any other recipients as well.

Why would you now want “reply” to have the same function as “reply to all”?

This is something different, and is what is being discussed in this thread. The feature allows you to specify a different email address that replies will be sent to when the receiver clicks on “reply”. Usually when you receive an email, you see the sender’s address that they sent the message from. Clicking reply sends your reply to that address. A reply to address will be different from the sender’s address.

I think it is. I only tried to explain a use case. With the “reply to” function I could predefine to whom I would like the recipient to reply when clicking on “reply”; for instance, to myself the person that I put in “cc”. For this purpose, I could put the same person into the “reply to” field, next to myself. Of course, I could add anyone else in the “reply to” field, not only the person that I had in “cc”. This was only an example.

[quote="Gary, post:19, topic:36817]
Why would you now want “reply” to have the same function as “reply to all”?
Not generally. It would be like this only in the case I described above. “Reply to” presets the addresses to which the recipient of my message will reply when clicking on “reply”. So this is related to what follows below.
[quote="Gary, post:19, topic:36817]
A reply to address will be different from the sender’s address.
Not necessarily. It can be different, the same (which does not make sense), or various addresses including the sender. The recipient, when replying (by clicking on “reply”), will see the addresses which my “reply to” has preset and can choose to keep or change them. This is what the Outlook option does.