Importing filter rules from Thunderbird: FAIL

I just started trying out eM Client 10, and so far, it’s been a very frustrating experience.

I have several hundred rules set up in Thunderbird that are only triggered if I archive the message. Those rules mark the message as read and move them to a specific folder based on an address in the From, To, CC or BCC fields. It’s been a good way to manage my inbox; I ensure that I read everything in the inbox, and then when I’m done with it, all I have to do is press the A key and the email goes to the appropriate folder.

These rules were all imported, of course—but now they trigger upon message receipt, not when I archive them. Furthermore, there’s no option to set up a role that’s only triggered when I archive the message. On top of that, none of the rules are presently active (most of them are labeled “Removed account” for some reason), nor can I edit them (“Cannot edit a rule which hasn’t been composed in the wizard”).

It’s odd—much of this seems well thought out, but this rather important part of my workflow appears very half-baked and, for me, it’s a bit of a dealbreaker if I can’t set up a quick way of archiving my mail to specific folders based on address. I don’t expect that such features will be added in the next 30 days, either, so that’s gonna waste the rest of the 30-day trial.

Rrrrgh. So close, but it’s a fail for my workflow.


Unfortunately eM Client Rules only apply automatically to new unread messages as they arrive in the Inbox.

If you want to apply them to messages already received, or received into other folders, you will need to apply them manually.

It appears that you can’t even do that; the only choices are “upon receipt” or “upon sending.”

Yes, “upon receipt” means when email arrives in the Inbox. That is automatic. So Rules you create will apply automatically to new unread messages as they are received.

If you want to apply those same Rules to messages already received, you need to apply them manually. You can do that either by clicking on the Apply button in the Rules window, or by right-clicking on any folder and choosing Apply Rule.