Import Incredimail

Je débute avec eM Client suite à l’abandon d’Incredimail.
J’ai réussi à transférer mes dossiers locaux d’incredimail dans eM Client en gardant l’organisation de ces dossiers. Formidable ! Par contre ça ne fonctionne pas sur le PC de ma femme. Après expertise je vois que eM Client ne choisit pas le bon chemin (C:\Users\Portable\AppData\Local\IM\Identities\ etc…message store ) mais chosit une adresse “adresse mail. local foders” et bute sur un dossier vide. Est-il possible d’indiquer manuellement le bon chemin à eM Client

Database location can be found in the settings as follows:

Menu > Settings > Storage

Thank you sunriseal for your quick answer. But your answer indicates the place of the database location for eM Client. May be my message in French was not clear enough (but I supposed clearer than my English !) but I wish indicate to eM Client the place of the data location for the Incredimail storage because it automatically detect a false place !

No problem… since I had to use a translator perhaps that threw me off… I will let another volunteer take a shot at responding.

Thank you anyway. In the mean time I have tried the limited free version of the dedicated software “Incredimail Migrator” in order to export Incredimail messages folders toward Thunderbird (not eM Client, waiting for the integrated solution). I have to say that this software works perfectly well (as well as the eM Client solution when it founds the good path). The only problem is that it costs 49 € for the complete solution with all the messages. But if this necessary …