IMAP Root and "more" folders

I’ve searched and found old posts about this, but nothing current… My company uses gmail as its mail service. I am considering eM Client instead of Outlook, but cannot figure out how to set the root folder to Gmail so that subfolders are not listed inside the Inbox.

Also trying to determine how/if it is possible to turn off the “more” in the folder list, and simply show all the folders. This is an annoying step when scrolling with a mouse or trackpad.

If you have already created the folder, drag it and drop it on the folder above the Inbox. If you have not already created the folder right-click on the folder above Inbox and choose New folder.

More is a place to hide folders you do not ordinarily want to see. Right-click on any folder inside More and choose Show. Once you have moved them all out of More, More will not appear.

Thanks, Gary. Will that actually change the structure on the server, or just in em Client?

Is there a way to choose “show” en masses for folders under “more”?