ICS - how to identify my calendar?

I want to import an ICS file in my calendar, but since I use multiple calendars, I want to specifiy the calendar name or identifier.

These are the labels which can be used:
X-WR-CALNAME - The display name of the calendar
X-WR-CALDESC - A description of the calendar
X-WR-RELCALID - A globally unique identifier for the calendar

Are these supported by the ICS usage for emclient? And if so, how do I find my X-WR-RELCALID?

Why not just create a separate folder for the imported ics?

If it is a local folder calendar, you can even make it a sub-folder of an existing calendar.

Yes, that’s the plan: to insert the event in a separate folder, which I must identify somehow. So I need to know the identifier of that folder.

In the current situation, the default (?) calendar is shown, so I have to click-click-click through my calendars and subfolder to reach the target folder. And I want to skip the click-click-click and see the target immediately when I import the ICS.

The import is a one-time event. Does it really matter if you need to click a few times?

Another option is to create the calendar folder in eM Client, then drop the ics file directly into that calendar. No need to go through the import dialogue.

I use it as follows: an ICS file is created by my software and when I open the file (by clicking on it in the download-folder), it is opened as a new event in the mailclient. I just need to click on the ‘Save and close’ button to save the event in my calendar. Next to the ‘Save and close’ button there is a dropdown with my calendars and subfolders per calendar. The top-calendar is selected in the dropdown, but I need to add the event in another calendar-subfolder. So clicking is the only option to do this.

You could just drag the ics file to the appropriate calendar folder in eM Client. No need to open it at all.

Yes, I know. But we are drifted away from my original questions:

Are these labels in an ICS file supported by emClient?

  • X-WR-CALNAME - The display name of the calendar
  • X-WR-CALDESC - A description of the calendar
  • X-WR-RELCALID - A globally unique identifier for the calendar

And if so, how do I find the X-WR-RELCALID of my calendar/subfolder?

Can you answer this question?

When importing ics files into eM Client, you need to specify the target calendar.

Another option is to just drag the ics file from Explorer, and drop it directly into the target calendar.

We are all just users here, so if you require more technical answers, please open a support ticket directly with eM Client.

If you don’t want comments and suggestions from the user community, don’t post your questions here. Rather, open a support ticket directly with eM Client.


I’m here for serious reactions on my serious questions. If you don’t know the answer, then don’t post your reactions here. This is not Facebook.

And I gave you a serious answer, as well as possible options to make the import easier for you.

No, this is a user supported forum where fellow users come together to volunteer to help each other.

If you don’t like the comments made here by your fellow users, then please open a support ticket with eM Client. As long as your Pro License was purchased within the past year, they will respond, and offer any technical information you may require, or offer you alternative ways of importing your data.

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After talking to development, there is no plan of changing the import function. Case closed.