ICan I use eM Client on my Android phone?

Can I use eM Client on my Android phone? I have em client on my laptop, and it seems to work well with my Charter.Net email account. I would like to use it on my new android phone also.

If it will work. do I use the Windows download?

Currently eM Client is only available on the desktop for PC and Mac.

So you will need to use another mail app on your Android mobile for now.

Thread on an eM Client mobile app.
Mobile alternatives - Mail - eM Client

Are there any plans in the works to add an Android app for eM Client? I can use a separate mail app on my phone but I’d love to sync the calendar.

According to posts near the end of the thread link “Mobile alternatives” (as i posted above), a mobile app version is in the works. However, “No ETA as yet though” on a Alpha or Beta release. Hopefully soon. So suggest to keep watching that specific thread. Also suggest to “Like that Post on that thread”.