I cannot make one of my two account the standard one

I have 2 e-mail account of which I want to make one the my standard account.
This does not work. I get an error message "Impossible to set a standard account. Standard account is required to be able to activate mail services.
I have no problem  recieving mail.

Can anyone help.

Regards  Adrie

Hi, if you go to Tools > Accounts, and select the account you want to make “standard” and then click on “Set as default”, do you get a error message or something? Or does that work?

Thank you,

Hello Paul,

Thanks for the reply
I have tried that several times with the same result. I got the error message I quoted in my original request.



Can you please make a screenshot of that error message?

Thank you,


I hope you can read Dutch.

Hi again, I can’t but I think I know what might be causing the issue. Does the account you’re trying to set as default have SMTP and IMAP/POP services enabled?

Thank you,

Yes indeed. Both accounts are similar and use SMTP and POP3.

Can you please make sure all the services are enabled and then try to set it as default. Can you maybe make a screenshot of the accounts settings (the one you want to set as default).

Thank you,

Here are the settings for my account

Hi, what version of eM Client are you currently using (Help > About)? Are you able to send out email with the account?
Does the other account have an SMTP tab?

Thank you,

The version is 6.0.20154.0 downloaded just 2 weeks ago.
I cannot send e-mail with either of the accounts.
The non of the accounts do have an SMPT tab


Hi Adrie,

Je zou eigenlijk wel een SMTP tab moeten hebben…zonder SMTP tab kun je geen e-mails versturen.

Dat verklaart waarschijnlijk waarom je geen enkel account als default kunt instellen.

Hoe heb je de accounts toegevoegd aan eM Client? Automatisch?

Misschien moet je het handmatig proberen (eerst de bestaande accounts verwijderen) en dan ook de gegevens voor de SMTP tab invullen.

NB: het beste is om eerst een backup van je eM Client data te maken voordat je accounts verwijdert. Dit kan via eM Client (File > Backup) en je kunt de data directory van eM Client kopieren.

Hallo Hans,

Ik heb handmatig een nieuw account aangemaakt met naar nu blijkt de juiste instellingen. Mijn eerste test mail is met succes verzonden.
Bedankt voor de ondersteuning.



Ik ben blij dat versturen van e-mail nu voor jou werkt, Adrie!

Hi, I understand this issue has been resolved, is that a correct assumption?

Thank you,

yes, Paul, Adrie managed to setup his e-mail accounts correctly.