I am unable to delete an email from Craigslist. It appears the email is blank. I have tried to delete, using the menu, dragging it to delete, selecting it, and clicking the garbage can. I have exited EM Client and returned and still can not delete it. Deleting other emails works fine, just not this one. Any ideas?
Please close eM Client and open a Windows Command Prompt. Not a powershell, but a command prompt.
Paste in this command including the leading "
"C:\Program Files (x86)\eM Client\MailClient.exe" /dbrepair
When that is done, restart eM Client.
Thanks, that worked. I appreciate it very much.
I have this same problem but in the phone app Android. Please advise how to fix. Thank you.
I have this same problem but in the phone app Android. Please advise how to fix. Thank you.
If you can’t delete an email using the Android app “and its no longer showing online in your mailbox”, then close the app, and then try going to your Droid OS / Settings / Apps / eM Client app, and in the “Storage” section “Clear the cache” and then reopen the app and see if that makes any difference.
Now if clearing the cache makes no difference, then try “updating to the latest eM Client droid app” if you haven’t already from the Google Playstore just updated 17th Feb V10.0.1137 and see if that fixes it.
Now if updating to the latest eM Client droid app still doesn’t make any difference, then something has has gone wrong with your local database in the Beta app and you will have to clear the data in the app completely and start new. To do that close the app and go back to the Droid OS / Settings / Apps / eM Client app. and in the “Storage” section click “Clear data”.
Once you have done that, “open the eM Client desktop app” and click “Menu / Tools / QR Export” (Pc) or “Tools / QR Export” (Mac). Then open the eM Client droid app and use the “Import via QR Code” option to import your desktop accounts and settings etc.
Lastly if clearing the data in the app and reimporting the desktop settings into the app makes no difference, then you will have to uninstall and reinstall the app and then reimport via QR Code.
Thank you! I ended up going all the way to step 3 and clearing data and cache, and it worked. I do not have a desktop app setup.
Now it’s not working again. I guess I have to find a different app as it drives me crazy that I can’t delete.
Related issue with Delete grayed in the popup menu for emails in the O365 account yesterday, hibernated the rig with EMC still running, the next day the Delete option on the emails returned. Never happened in the four years using the program - likely a server issue or self repair in the DB?