Hyperlink in email addresses

i am not able to access the hyperlink facility for email addresses

Not sure what you are asking Ian. Can you maybe ask it in another way, or give a screenshot?

lunes 16 noviembre 2020 :: 1628hrs (UTC +01:00)

Hi @IanVA

I am also not sure what you mean as asked by @Gary.
However, if you mean to insert a Hyperlink text in an email body…
With new message window open in the tool bar by default at right you should see as in screenshot.

Hope this is what you mean, if not get back to either of us.

¡Saludos desde la soleada España!


[email protected]

Very many thanks for you help. Sorry that I did not make my problem clear. That is:
When inset an email address in the body of a text message the return email is not highlighted in blue nor is it underlined, so that the responder is able to click on the link to reply without having to re-type th email address. I was advised that this was due to the hperlink not being activated.
Could you pleae advise on a solution? Many thanks.

lunes 16 noviembre 2020 :: 2032hrs (UTC +01:00)

Hi @IanVA

What you want to do is possible, I guess the link was not configured correctly, see below:

Also if you want more information or help go here:

¡Saludos desde la soleada España!


[email protected]

If the message is composed in HTML, it will insert the clickable link.

If the message is composed in plain text, the link is not there.

You need to make sure that HTML is selected, either when composing the message, or in your settings.