How using "unread" within a search?

I would like to add “unread” to a search or a search folder in the mobile client. I can’t find a way.

The “unread” folder is of no use to me as it searches for unread mails in “all” folders.

Does anyone know, how to search for mails which are “unread” in a few named folders?

Did you have any luck?

Saving special “unread” search folders is a vital feature of my Desktop eM Client.
Not having this is stopping me from using the mobile app.

Try the following:

  1. Tap Search / Options / Custom folder selection - then tick the folders that you want to search within, tick at the top of the screen to confirm then “X” to close Search Options window.

  2. Click Advanced and enter read:no under the field named has the words.
    Within the same window, scroll down and tap Create Search Folder, enter a name for the Search Folder then tap OK.

Hope this works for you.


Works perfectly, thanks!

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Hi RobinW,
Great. I am new to emClient and this helped a lot.
It is a bit hidden and the manual is poor at this point.
So thanks al lot for your support.

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