How to sync events between calendars within eM Client?

Hi team,
I have to use different calendars, at least:

  • Calender from Microsoft account of our company (“…”).
  • Calender in local folder, because our mail server is self hosted and not Microsoft (mailto:[email protected]) and does not support a calender feature.

My problem:

  • When I get meeting-events on my e-mail-address (not Microsoft), it is only visible in my local calender.
  • So, my colleagues cannot see, when I’m blocked by meetings.

What would help:

  • Create a copy from my local calender to the Microsoft calender - automatically.
  • Would be perfect, if I also could select to create only a blocking event, without the complete meeting invitation etc. (that would also be required for integrating my private calender in addition…).

I saw, “rules” apply only to e-mails, not to events. And I did not find information about an API, other than

Is there any other way to achieve it?