How to Sync Em calendar with Google calendar?

I have set up Google calendar to be shown in my eM Client calendar but I am unable to make local calendar entries sync back to Google?
If I receive an invitation it always ends up in the local calendar and I sync all systems via Google so I need the Google calendar to be updated at all times.

Any hints?

The Local Folders Calendar items do not sync with your Google Calendar. You will need to move the event to that calendar manually if that is what you want.

Otherwise, for the invitation to be automatically placed in the Google Calendar when you accept the invitation, you need to change the default calendar for the email account on which you receive the invitation email.

I receive invitations on my account, but because I do not have the associated CalDAV setup in eM Client, the event will automatically be placed in my Local Folders Calendar when I accept the invitation.

I can change the default calendar for the email account by going to Menu > Accounts, and selecting my Google Calendar.

Now when I receive an invitation sent to my email address, when I click on accept, the event will be created in the Google Calendar I selected.

Hope that makes sense.


This was exactly what I was waiting for: You made my day Gary!

Thanks a lot

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