How to stop receiving all emails completely from all Forums

My OS is win 10 PRO and I use Office Business Essentials for my Email, but I read the eM client emails from here.  how do I completely stop receiving all emails from All forums, as I am no longer using eM client on a regular basis.  Thank u.

if you need to stop receiving notifications from the forum you can do so by going to your forum’s user “Profile -> Email and notifications” setting and unchecking all the options about sending emails to your email address.


But all the boxes are unchecked and I still get tons of emails and replies.

Hi, are you sure you aren’t accidentally receiving all the Community messages by checking the options below the email settings?
In the screenshot below I’ll mark all the possible options that could be sending the notifications:

If all of these are indeed unchecked, I recommend changing the primary address in your forum account to some dummy address (like [email protected]) and have the emails sent to it instead. Unfortunately, seeing as the forum platform is provided to us from GetSatisfaction, I cannot deactivate the emails for you manually.


All the above are unchecked, but yet I am still getting tons of emails as though checking off the above had no effect.  It looks like the code in this site is in error. 
I also tried adding another email address as the primary email, then removing the removing the real primary address.  But the changes did not take effect.    Although I am logged in but I cannot still change my email and delete the old email.  Hope the webmasters will take a look at the site and fix this.

that is really strange, if you disabled all these and change the email, you should not be getting ANY emails to your address. Do you perhaps have a second account set up that you forgot about?

Seeing as the forum solution is supplied to us externally by, I suggest you check their forum for help, as they might be able to make changes to your forum account. I can delete and change the forum threads, but I cannot alter user accounts. So please contact the GetSatisfaction help center here -…


What on earth does this mean? What exactly is my “forum user profile,” and how do I find it? I tried to stop getting emc messages months ago, erased email client from my computer, but the messages still keep coming in on gmail.

Hello Nicholas,
the messages are not generated by eM Client but by the GetSatisfaction forum.
When you’re logged in in this forum page, click your name in the upper right corner and go to Profile.
