How to show: how many messages are in each folder, and folder size?

Is it possible to show message count in each folder, and/or each folder size? I do not care about read/unread, interested in total, but of course 765/3 meaning: total 765, unread 3 would be even better. Showing folder sizes for each folder would be also very usefull.

Over many years I used probably every email software which ever existed, including now defunct ones. I do like eM Client very much, but not knowing how many messages I have, and how much space a folder occupies seems to be rather strange omission. Did I miss something in configuration? If not - is it planned for future release?

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Hello Vlad, you can see the total and unread count of each folder in the status bar (the bar on the bottom of the application window), unfortunately eM Client is an offline client, so the only limit you have is your hard drive, if any storage quotas are applied on your folders, you should be able to display the quota status in the folder properties.

To display the folder properties, right click your folder and select “Properties”. See Quota for the limit - this however is not an available option for all email providers, depends on the mail server if it supports this option.

Hope this helps,

Sorry, I think I did not phrase my question very well. While online details and quotas are important as well, I am mainly concerned with how many emails I have and how much space they occupy OFFLINE, in LOCAL FOLDERS. Unless I am mistaken eM Client does not show this – in contrast just about every email client I used in the past shows this information very clearly; example:

Unfortunately, eM Client does not show the database size on your computer, you can however check the database size manually by opening the database folder’s properties in windows explorer, navigate to your user\AppData\Roaming folder and check the eM Client folder for size.

Unfortunately it’s not possible to display size for each folder, as IMAP folders should have an identical or similar size on your computer as well as online on your mail server.

Hopefully we can improve this in future releases of eM Client.


Paul, I appreciate your response. Please note that possible it is; I could list many email clients that implemented that ages ago. Let us hope that this will eventually happen for eM as well! Thanks for great software, cheers, Vlad.

Hi, this is the only feature which is stop me to use eM Client. So, I’m stuck with other clients. But I’m watching for eM Client and waiting for implementatino of showing size of folder and count of all / unread mesages.

Like so?

I also like to see how many mails are remaining in each folder.
There is nog bar at the bottom showing that…I’m working with version 7.1

The top bar of the program displays the unread and total message count for the selected folder.

Jay, I believe that most people know that already. Many would like to have this information in detailed, easy to see form. Contrary to some responses, it is definitely possible to implement. See for example Mozilla Thunderbird:

In fact, I just noticed it’s mentioned in Paul’s post above.  Sorry to duplicate.  My only comment is that it takes up real estate.

If properly implemented (e.g. Thunderbird) width of the columns can be dragged and re sized, also there is an option to select which (if any) additional columns one wants to see. Frankly, this is the main reason I left eM Client.

Interesting.  To me the number of total messages is fairly meaningless.  Just goes to show people work differently.

Of course, this is why showing it it should be selectable option. It also depends do you deal with dozens, hundreds or thousands messages. With large volume of messages it helps tremendously to see storage hogs at a glance. I demonstrated it to a friend, and we immediately found that many of his folders had hundreds of old, irrelevant messages consuming megabytes. After cleaning his email client started to operate considerably faster.

Look at it like that: important part of email client operation is to create a data base of messages. It is good to see how many items are in each folder, and what size they consume. Noticing a long forgotten folder with hundreds of large messages with attachments warrants investigating it. Makes maintaining data base faster and more efficient, that’s all.