How to quickly set labels on messages


Is there a way to quickly set labels/tags on message with the keyboard and with auto completion?

I’ve search here a bit and I saw that my inquiry has been asked several times, but years ago.
I did not find a new/updated answer.

My mails are managed by Google Mail.
I extensively use labels to classify my archived mails. I have ~100 labels.
Hence I can not use the mouse to click several times and scroll the long list of labels available.

Thank you for your answer/update.
– Laurent

There are keyboard shortcuts available: see Tags under the Tools menu. You can set more customized shortcuts using Quick Actions.

Thx for your reply.

I saw the ability to create shortcuts.

Though unless I’m wrong it does not seem to be suitable for quicken and ease the way to set labels onto messages. We could not set shortcut for every label anyhow.

Or maybe there is something I missed with the shortcuts and/or the quick actions?

For example, I love the way mailspring works with labels. See the autocompletion and ability to create a label.

Though, I prefer eMclient on many others aspects…

– Laurent

Is there a way to quickly set labels/tags on message with the keyboard.

As @acoyne mentioned, you can use the “Quick Actions” in V10 to assign a custom keyboard shortcuts to tag an incoming message etc.

Right click on the toolbar along the top and click Customise. Then Add Quick actions.