How to pick free or Pro version after trial?

Need help in guiding my mom through how to pick and activate free version now that her trial is ending

Hello.  I installed EM client for my mom so that she would have an easy to use email program.  She lives 2500 miles away so it needed to be easy because I’m not local to support her.She really likes it.  It appears her 30 day trial is ending, and she now has the option to pick the free version or the pro.  It seems that she receives a prompt for this, but she’s unable to figure out how to select and commit to the free version.  Can someone show me a screen shot of this so I can walk her through how to do this?  Thx.


I am just guessing…

I guess , the “Deactivate”-Button is perhaps called “Activate” (?) on the Computer of your mother…

If not: perhaps you need to de-activate first and re-activate using this button?
(I don ́t dare to try on my Computer…)
