How to get pro version and save settings

You did your best. Thank you so much. I think I need to pay for the pro version of version 7 so that I can have an eM Client tech employee help me. On the website I can’t find how to get that. All I can find is Version 8.

Close eM Client, delete the three files, restart eM Client.

You won’t believe what happened. I had tried deleting the files as per your instructions with the results I gave in a message above. Then I left my computer for a few hours and when I returned, now all 3 of the files were showing at the same time… unreal. So I deleted them again, closed the folder, tried to restart eM Client, and this time it worked!

Now I’m back to having to create a new password for AOL. I think I should pay for the pro version in order to get someone to help me with that before I create another disaster. Can I get the pro without upgrading to eM Client 8?

Thanks to both of you, Gary and Cyberzork! You kept this old lady’s all-white hair from falling out. :grinning: :heart:

@snoozey Yes you can just buy an eM Client Pro license without upgrading to V8. Email [email protected] who will assist you.

Note:- If you buy a Pro License for eM Client 7, it cannot be used for V8 or V9 etc. Just so you are aware of that.

You can’t actually buy a version 7 license since the release of version 8. When you buy a license, it will be for the current (and all past) versions of eM Client.

Once you have purchased the license, you will need to activate it in eM Client, then just ignore any update offers to version 8. Or, contact us and we can limit it to version 7 for you.

Knowing me, I think the safest way is to have you limit the license to version 7. Please let me know how to start the process. Thanks.

Once you have purchased the license, please contact me directly with the details, and I will do it for you.
[email protected]

That would be great. Thank you. I would like to do that on Monday if that sounds OK with you.

Yes, anytime is OK, just email me when you are done with the purchase.

Hi Gary,

Finally, after the holidays and all else (!) I’m back and just paid for a license. I appreciate you preventing my free version 7 from upgrading to version 8. I haven’t activated it as per your instructions.

I also have a new problem needing help right away: I can receive but not send messages in my working email account. When I try to fix the problem, the message I get is “can’t access service”. I’ve gone to the eM Client support page but nothing there is helpful. How do I talk to a technical support person? I can’t email them because I presently can’t send messages. Thanks!



License name
Activation key:

Suggest to remove your License name and Activation Key from your above post for Privacy reasons so they are (not showing on this thread publickly) and only email that to @Gary email address as he advised further up the thread.

Got it! Thank you so much.