How to exit emclinet

How can I programmatically shutdown emclient? I am running the database from an encrypted container, which is causing database errors when shutting down. I want to use a shutdown script to exit the program before unmounting the volume, so far unsuccessful.

I am running the database from an encrypted container, which is causing database errors when shutting down.

Then you will need to obviously move it out of the container as that’s the problem. Its not currently designed to be run that way.

I want to use a shutdown script to exit the program before unmounting the volume, so far unsuccessful

There is no eM Client script to do that and you have to manually exit the program via the Menu or X, or you will normally get database errors.

so the database is specifically limited to exist in plaintext on the disk? chatGPT suggested a quit flag on the CLI, although yes it seems, the ui is the only way. meh

So the database is specifically limited to exist in plaintext on the disk?

You would need to contact the company directly for any technical info like that. All I can say is that eM Client uses an SQL database.

ChatGPT suggested a quit flag on the CLI.

Ah the ChatGPT suggestions. I still do things the old way. I’m not into the AI bot stuff yet.

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martes 13 junio 2023 :: 0700hrs (UTC -0500)

Currently it is claimed that ChatGPT is not capable of giving consistently correct information and that results should be treated with scepticism (ref: @cyberzork - it clearly knows little about the operation of eMC)- asked a particular question it will suggest that: “The Moon is A Balloon”.
Pergamentum init - Pergamentum exit.



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