How to change the colour of mail labels from GMail


I use Gmail with certain labels, which eM-Client imported just fine, but how do I change the colour of these labels. eM-Client does not use the colours I defined within Gmail.



Hi Tim
While it’s a shame that eM client doesn’t adopt the Gmail color scheme,
you can completely customize the colors in eM Client to coïncide with your Gmail colors,
It’ll take some time ,but can be done.

1.In Gmail make a note of every color that is used for the respective category.
 To do that use a little utility to determine the Gmail colors.
Make a list of each item and color - use RGB as most common value. (and save it)

In eM Client address the categories eg for Mail
Menu > Tools > Categories .

When you click Add , you’ll get a new panel
For name you use your specific category name.

If for Mail only - untick the other items.
Then click Change
You’ll get your Color panel …

In the color boxes - on the right - Back space existing value and insert your required values for the required color as taken from your earlier prepared list. (RGB values)

When your done, make a backup of eM Client.

A bit time consuming, but looks there’s no other choice if eMC does not import Gmail’s colors.
