How to auto-set calendar reminder to 15 minutes prior for new meetings?

Hi, I’m migrating from Outlook, does eM client have this feature? I poked around in general/notification/calendar settings and couldn’t find this one.

I tend to miss meetings that don’t have a reminder, and many of my autotools (Calendly, email based meetings) tend to come onto my calendar with reminders disabled, leading to me missing the meeting.


You can set the default reminder for all new events you create. Just right-click on that calendar folder and choose Properties. Any events you create in that calendar will follow those settings.


Wouldn’t it be great if this feature is set in the settings rather than hidden away somewhere where you would not look to think?

Well, it’s a per calendar setting, so it needs to be in the folder properties for each calendar.

That does not mean if could not be set up in a single place in the calendar settings, if the app just listed the calendars that are available (would not be hard to do), then make the settings for each one - in one place.

We do display the calendars all in one place - in the calendar section, and that is where you can set it. But you can’t have this for read-only calendars for example, so you can’t set one default for all of them. It will need to be a per calendar setting just like we do it now.

I was referring to the the settings for calendars being in one pace, not that the calendars are located in one place