How to always sync IMAP folders and subfolders?

OK so I use hotmail as a server and I have a subfolder in the inbox which only syncs when I click on it this is the same with Junk folder. Is there an option to always sync these folders so I know how many emails I have in them ?

The Inbox is the only folder that syncs in real-time with the server.

Other folders, but not all of them, will sync on the schedule set in Menu > Settings > General > General > Synchronization. You don’t want to set this too low as it could cause other issues because it also applies to calendars and contacts, and you don’t want to be in a continuous loop. 10 minutes is the recommended time. For folders that don’t follow this sync interval, like Junk, you can change a setting to cache all folders, and then they will sync on the interval. You find that setting in Menu > Accounts then in the IMAP tab for the account. Scroll down to Sync Options, and select both, then click on Save & Close.

Folders other than the Inbox will also sync immediately you click on them.


The cache offline works but this is not safe downloading spam. I don’t see the reason why we can’t have the messages header just to download. This is something broken in this email client and I can’t download spam “with attachments” to my local hard drive this is beyond ludachris. Thank you for the info if you fix this I will pay for this as it is now it’s dangerous.

You can have just the message headers loaded. For that, go to Menu > Accounts then the IMAP tab for the account. Scroll down to Sync Options and UNTICK both options. Then click on Save & Close.

When messages arrive, only the header is retrieved from the server. As soon as you click on the message to open it, the contents will be retrieved.

The Junk folder will not even retrieve headers unless you click on it.

The problem is if I untick those two then my inbox subfolder stops syncing aswell… this is major oversight in my opinion you should be able to choose which folder you want to sync and how.

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I agree.
I was just looking for a feature request to vote on for this.

I want to be able to select certain folders/ labels that should be fully local, and synced all the time.

I will keep hunting for the feature request, and post here if I find something we should all vote on.

Well, local means not synced. So Local Folders, and other local ones like those for POP3 accounts, don’t sync with a server, but exist independently only in the email application on that device.

On the other hand, IMAP folders are cached versions of the message store which exists on the server. With those, only the Inbox is updated in real-time as the messages are pushed from the server when they arrive. Other folders update on a schedule, and immediately when you click on them. So really they are synced all the time, some in real-time, some on a schedule.

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Let’s keep this discussion here IMAP folder subscription - #27 by Gary

So is this how the old Exchange method would work as well? (Prior to the other day where we can only use IMAP for the free outlook/hotmail accounts now)
Or did that also only do scheduled sync changes for anything other than the inbox?

Exchange works a little differently to IMAP. The Inbox only syncs once every minute, and not in real-time like with IMAP. The other folders sync the same as they do with IMAP accounts, on a schedule.

Google accounts work differently again. There is only one folder to sync, All Mail, and we sync that in real-time.


Okay, good to know!
I have a similar problem:
i have a roughly 900 gb large Mail Account and i need to search for documents that are older then 2-5 years.
To get that right…since they are in subfolders i need to click every subfolder to sync them?
I dont want to download that large amount of Data to store them local to always access them.
Unfortunatly after a few years i also dont know which subfolder i need to look in.
Is there a way to search for emails that are a few years in the past without clicking on every folder?
( German speaker here - My english is not the best, pls ask if there are any misunderstandings/uncertainties!)