How to add recipients to a template

Sometimes I use templates that are always meant for the same recipients. I could not find how to add a recipient list while creating a new template.Can someone let me know how to do this? Thank you.

Hello, unfortunately it is not possible to create new templates that include recipient’s addresses.


Thank you, Paul. Hopefully you will consider adding this option in a future version. I think it would be useful.

Thank you for the suggestion, we’ll consider adding it to future releases.

I second this as an improvement.  I use this all the time in outlook and have a nice pulldown to select the template with recipients address ready to go.  I open the template, edit a couple things and send.

very helpful


so since 2 years ago, has this request happened and can I now add address to my email templates?

I agree this is a must for people who use this for business.  Ultimately if I have a client who has two email addresses I send to, to have to input two emails instead of just a prepared template, based on the recipient is tiresome.  It should not be that difficult to achieve,

In busines we do not need fancy backgrounds and pretty pretties, we need functions that speed up our processes to make doing business easier.

If MS achieved this then most should be able to.