How do I install/run eM Client on a Chromebook?

I run eM Client 6 on Windows system and I would like to also run the program on a Chromebook. The Chrome Web Store does not carry this product. I downloaded the product from the vendor’s site and it arrives as a Microsoft Installer *.msi file.

Chrome does not open/support this file type and suggests that I return to the Chrome Web Store for an app that can open this type of file. I did not see anything at the Chrome Web Store.

Any ideas?

unfortunately you won’t be able to run the application on Chrome OS. eM Client is currently Windows only and most probably it will stay that way, at least in the near future.

Thank you for understanding,

Thanks for the update. I also would like to install on a Chrome notebook. I realize there are only so many resources available, but wanted to let you know there are other users trying to do this.

Hi, thank you for your interest, however we’re not planning a chromebook based app at the moment, maybe in the future though.


Hello - 

This information is 2 years old has there been any change I am with the other guys as well I am getting a chromebook and would like to use this app. Please let me know if this has changed. 

Thank you 

Hi Cliff,
there are no plans currently for a Chrome OS version of eM Client, we are currently working on an Apple version, so taking up another OS at this time is not possible.
So, unfortunately, still no change in plans.


I hope you guys will keep in mind that Android is much larger then Apple and only doing one for them will upset the Android fans and folks. I am sure many Apple fans will kick me around for saying it but truth be told Android is much cheaper for the common folks…