How do I group e-mails, which all have the same topic?

Currently, e-mails having the same topic are all displayed as a single mail. is it possible to group those mails as one “mail”, so that I can expand this mail to see all other mails having the same topic?

Outlook and Thunderbird as well as Gmail have this functionality.


you can simply sort your emails by Subject and then collapse all groups by right clicking on a group and choosing Collapse all groups.

Hm, this is not what I am looking for. Imagine the following:

I have sorted my mails from newest to oldest. This is also how Outlook or Gmail works. I then want to group those mails together, which have the same subject.

Is this anyhow possible?

No, it is not possible at the moment, but it will be implemented in the next major version (probably 5.5).

is this in yet ?


conversation (threaded) view has been postponed to 7th version or late udpates of 6th version due to technical difficulties (it was implemented in a past but caused too much problems)


I’m also awaiting for conversation view function.
Hope it will become soon.

Hi, thank you for your interest, we’re planning the conversation view, however there’s no date for the release.
Not even sure if it’s going to be in version 6 or 7 at the moment.

I hope you understand,

Thanks for your answer. :slight_smile: