How do I add a new Contact? A Contact Group?

Imported old Outlook contacts list OK, but the old list was missing some new people. How do I add a new contact other than having them sending me an email (inconvenient for businesses).


In left panel there should be “Contacts” option, if not right click on “Mail” and check contacts in option which has shown up.

After turning it on or being already in “Contacts” you can click on “New” in Toolbar or right click in field with contact and select “new contact…”.
From this point everything you need is visible in Contact form.

I hope this little manual helps you.


Your instruction bring me the screen to add a contact, but when I add and save, then go to "Contacts:, the screen says “This folder is empty and no operation can be performed”.  Does the free version not allow contacts to be added?

Hi Marge,

Probably you will still need to click on the word ‘contacts’ in the left panel. Next to the check box. And you also will need to mark that check box.

screen shot: