How can I change the sender's email address?


I have many email addresses: several going to the same mailboxes and I even have a couple of catch-all domains: domains that will accept ANY recipient email and simply drop them in the same mailbox.

When I answer an email that was sent to one of these aliases or to a catch-all domain, I would like the sender’s email to be the “correct” one: the one that was used as recipient in the original mail.

I cannot see how to do that in EM client: I can chose the source email in the dropdown but I can’t chose the original recipient or use whatever I want (free text).

For those wondering, I’m doing that because I’m tailoring the email I provide to companies and web contact: on each web form I need to register on, I use something like “[email protected]” (where “domainname” is the name of the domain where the web form I’m filling resides). It allows me to blacklist a lot of spam, limit the scope of data breach, reduce the amount of cross-referencing that can be done using my email, etc.


Hello Stephane,

All the addresses that you’d like to use as senders have to be entered into the program, be it in the form of added accounts or aliases associated with accounts. You can set up aliases that you’d like to use for the relevant account(s) in Menu ->Tools -> Accounts -> General - Aliases. The original recipient will then be automatically selected as a sender in a reply.


Hello Maurice.

Thank you for your answer. unfortunately, as I attempted to explain in my original message, I cannot setup aliases in advance: pretty much every message (or rather, every message SENDER) will use a different destination email.

I’m fine with writing or replacing the source email myself when I write a reply but setting up aliases in advance is not possible.

Hello Stephane,

Thank you for elaborating. As I mentioned before, it is unfortunately not possible to send an e-mail from an address that has not been entered into the program.
