Hotmail Sync Errors

For few weeks I have constant triangles on both accounts, I need to click them and sometimes works sometimes does not. Here is the error and the log:

[AirSync] Synchronizing folder ‘**********’ failed due to the following error: Invalid Content-Type returned by server.

Halo Zusammen,
ich bekomme immer error wegen Synchronisierung

[AirSync] Die Synchronisation der Ordnerliste ist fehlgeschlagen mit folgendem Fehler: Invalid Content-Type returned by server.

I have exactly the same issue which started a couple of days ago.

It’s eM Client Pro run on Windows 11
I always got the error massages about [Airsync] or [Exchange Webservice] many times every 3-4 hours
I have to hit the Ignore Button. and when I try to sent or reccive mail It’s can send and reccive mails without any problem.

Please help. or told me hoy to stop the annoy error massages.


The following issue just started a few days ago:

When launching eM Client, I’m getting the following error message:

[AirSync] Synchronizing folder ‘Hotmail/Calendar’ failed due to the following error: Invalid Content-Type return by server.

Since I do not have a Hotmail Calendar, so I’m not sure why it’s attempting to synchronize one. If I uncheck AirSync under Account > Services, I suppose the error would go away, but I need to have it checked to see my Hotmail account in the list of accounts when creating a new email. In other words, if I uncheck AirSync I only see my Gmail account in the dropdown at the top of a new message window.


Me too, Em-Client Airsync Problem…No other Mailclient with this problem!

I have this problem as well! Can you help me too? Thanks

I continually get Error messages say ‘An error occurred’ on my email. [AirSync] Synchronizing folder list failed due to the following error: Invalid Content-Type returned by server. I get the same error for the Calendar, Contacts, and Tasks.

Any idea what I need to do to correct?

Invalid Content-Type returned by server. I get the same error for the Calendar, Contacts, and Tasks.

If you are constantly getting Invalid Content-Type returned by server errors for IMAP or Exchange Outlook or Hotmail accounts, then suggest if you haven’t already to “try removing and re-adding your IMAP or Exchange account” via the wizard in "Menu / Accounts (Pc) or “eM Client / Accounts” (Mac).

If you have already done that, then could be “you might have an outdated eM Client version” and might need to update. You can see / get all the latest versions via the release history page.

Now if you already have the latest version of eM Client, then “you might have some local eM Client database problem” and may need to rename your current database and create a new database to test.

So to test with a new database “close eM Client” and then “rename the below hidden eM Client folder”. Then reopen eM Client and setup your IMAP or Exchange account as new again and see if that fixes it.

Hidden mail database folder Windows

“Users\yourusername\AppData\Roaming\eM Client”

Hidden mail database folder Mac

“Users\yourusername\Library\Application Support\eM Client”

Next if creating a new test database still makes no differance, then close eM Client and delete the new hidden eM Client test folder and rename your original eM Client folder back as it was. Then suggest to contact Microsoft" as there maybe “some sort of server technical problem” causing those errors.

I personally have and Hotmail IMAP accounts and are not getting those errors with the latest eM Client versions. Seems to be working fine for me. So cannot fault eM Client.

Lastly if Microsoft say their end is ok and no server technical issues, then “you might have some local program possibly interferring with eM Client”. Some programs have been known to cause interference such as eg: Optionally installed Firewalls / Security programs, Optionally installed Antivirus programs and VPN’s. So if you have anything like that installed, try also completely disabling those to test.

No, em-client is up to date! Outlook Account several times deleted and new created, If airsync is activated…after some time airsync error! Without airsync email account is ok with no errors, but with no calendar, contacts etc. With Outlook and New Outlook no errors. I will test now with bluemail TB etc.
It is a em-Client problem.


No, em-client is up to date! Outlook Account several times deleted and new created, If airsync is activated…after some time airsync error

Have you tested with a new eM Client database as I suggested ?

Also do you have any optional, firewall, antivirus or VPN installed ?

I have tested it with Bluemail! This is not my favourite, but this MailClient is without errors. It communicate with … with ActiveSync. I changed em-Client now to … and and it’s mess…airsync Error. No VPN, MS Defender Virus and Firewall only.
Why should a database error create so much airsync errors for many people?


Why should a database error create so much airsync errors for many people?

You could have a possible corruption in your local database which then is causing Airsync errors everytime it’s enabled. So that’s why I suggested to try creating a test new database to rule that out. Just close eM Client and then rename your current eM Client hidden database folder. Then open eM Client and setup as new to test.

As it’s also happening with your Office 365 configured in eM Client “but not with Blue Mail”, then it could well be a local database error.

I solver the problem by deleting all account and creating the again.

Version: emclient-v9.2.2157

I am having the same error appear:
[AirSync] Synchronizing folder list failed due to the following error: Invalid Content-Type returned by server.


10:32:28 PM Online state: changed to online due to NetworkAvailability
10:32:28 PM LS IMAP Synchronizing folder list
10:32:28 PM LS AirSync Synchronizing folder list
10:32:30 PM LS [AirSync] MailClient.Storage.Application.OperationException: Synchronizing folder list failed due to the following error: Invalid Content-Type returned by server.
—> System.FormatException: Invalid Content-Type returned by server.
at MailClient.Protocols.AirSync.Protocol.ActiveSyncCommandResponse.GetXmlReader()
at MailClient.Protocols.AirSync.AirSyncFolderSynchronizer.GetFolderList(IListFoldersProgress progress, Folder homeFolder, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MailClient.Protocols.Common.FolderSynchronizer.<>c__DisplayClass16_0.b__0(WorkerStatus status, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MailClient.Protocols.AirSync.AirSyncGenericCommand.Execute(WorkerStatus status)
— End of inner exception stack trace —
at MailClient.Protocols.AirSync.AirSyncGenericCommand.Execute(WorkerStatus status)
at MailClient.Commands.Command.Process(WorkerStatus status)
EnqueuedStackTrace =
at MailClient.Protocols.Common.FolderSynchronizer.EnqueueGetFolderList(Folder homeFolder, Action1 completed, Boolean prioritize) at MailClient.Protocols.Common.FolderSynchronizer.GoOnlinePre() at MailClient.Protocols.AirSync.AirSyncFolderSynchronizer.GoOnlinePre() at MailClient.Protocols.AirSync.AirSyncAccount.GoOnlineInt() at MailClient.Protocols.Common.AccountBase.ChangeOnlineState(Boolean online, OfflineReason offlineReason) at MailClient.Protocols.Common.AccountBase.GoOnline() at MailClient.Accounts.AccountList.<>c__DisplayClass24_0.<SetOnlineState>b__1(IAccount account) at System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.<>c__DisplayClass44_02.b__1(IEnumerator& partitionState, Int32 timeout, Boolean& replicationDelegateYieldedBeforeCompletion)
at System.Threading.Tasks.TaskReplicator.Replica`1.ExecuteAction(Boolean& yieldedBeforeCompletion)
at System.Threading.Tasks.TaskReplicator.Replica.Execute()
at System.Threading.Tasks.TaskReplicator.Replica.<>c.<.ctor>b__4_0(Object s)
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InnerInvoke()
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.<>c.<.cctor>b__272_0(Object obj)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunFromThreadPoolDispatchLoop(Thread threadPoolThread, ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& currentTaskSlot, Thread threadPoolThread)
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteEntryUnsafe(Thread threadPoolThread)
at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch()
at System.Threading.PortableThreadPool.WorkerThread.WorkerThreadStart()
at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback()
GUIStatus_Exception_Reported = True
10:32:30 PM LS IMAP Synchronizing folder ‘/Inbox’
10:32:30 PM LS IMAP Synchronizing folder ‘/Sent’
10:32:31 PM LS IMAP Synchronizing folder ‘/Archive’
10:32:31 PM LS IMAP Synchronizing folder ‘/Drafts’
10:32:31 PM LS IMAP Synchronizing folder ‘/Junk E-mail’
10:32:31 PM LS IMAP Synchronizing folder ‘/Notes’
10:32:31 PM LS IMAP Synchronizing folder ‘/Outbox’
10:32:32 PM LS IMAP Synchronizing folder ‘/Spambox’
10:32:32 PM LS IMAP Synchronizing folder ‘/Trash’

I have create a new database, deleted the old one. Create the new accounts. After a while same Airsync Errors! Bluemail without errors. So this is a special EM-Client Error. And it would be nice if EM-Client will fix it!
Ahh, and it would be nice if “eM Client s.r.o.” do a better no vip support!

16:17:44.438|009| FormatException Invalid Content-Type returned by server.
16:07:44.241|06B| FormatException Invalid Content-Type returned by server.
17:27:44.213|04E| FormatException Invalid Content-Type returned by server
17:47:44.253|014| FormatException Invalid Content-Type returned by server.
19:57:44.622|041| FormatException Invalid Content-Type returned by server.
21:06:28.453|036| FormatException Invalid Content-Type returned by server.
21:56:27.644|003| FormatException Invalid Content-Type returned by server.

All obove Airsync Errors with calendar and contacts sync with Outlook Mailaccount!
All above with red trangle error in the menu of Em-Client! Every Day. I think this Em-Client is not good! because no Fix now, no comment etc.
I have a new Em-Client installation, Database is new, Accounts are new. Error after Error.
I have stopped with Outlook because this was to much for me, to much workaround for favourite post in etc. But a Client with so much errors every day is not better. I cannot deactivate Airsync because i need calender and contacts from MS 365.
I looking for another email client.
Very Disappointed
LG Manne

I got all (second Tuesday of the month) Windows updates installed. Now eM Client does not show the red triangle. I did nothing more to EMC before the updates. I’m happy again. Yay!

Readers: Please be aware that Hotmail, MSN, Live and Outlook all go through . Whatever the fix is that happened with today’s WU’s, fix all of our error notifications.

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I got all (second Tuesday of the month) Windows updates installed. Now eM Client does not show the red triangle

Is that the new 23H2 Win 11 KB5027397 update ?

I got this update a few weeks ago which could then explain why I didn’t have those same errors.

I see there is also now a brand new Microsoft Win 11 November 14 update KB5032190 as well.

As I mentioned in my initial post, I found it odd that I was suddenly getting an AirSync Calendar synchronization error message when I don’t even maintain a Hotmail Calendar.

Well, it seems that I was able to resolve the error message, by logging in to my Hotmail/Outlook web account and check the calendar, where I noticed that there were a couple of events that were added when I registered for a Webinar and the confirmation email that was sent to my Hotmail address included a calendar event attachment, which auto-adds the event to the associated calendar. And apparently, those events were trying to synchronize with my Hotmail Calendar folder in my eM Client app.

Resolution: Delete those errant events from my Hotmail Calendar, which stops the calendars from synchronizing when launching eM Client.

Sometime in the future, I’m going to delete my Hotmail account and manually configure it for “mail” only. The autoconfigure and Exchange wizards include the calendar and contacts folders by default, and there doesn’t appear to be an option to disable them.
