Happy Android (and desktop client) user after six months

Hello there,

I’ve been using the Android client for a couple of months now and am mostly satisfied with it. I switched from a known open source client because of a better shared experience between the desktop and mobile apps. The lack of calendar and task features on the mobile app mentioned by others is not bothering me much, I use other apps for that anyway.

However, I would like to point out some minor annoyances:

  • app is a bit slow on startup compared to other clients;
  • sometimes, images are not downloaded and there’s no way of forcing image download, this seems to happen only with a certain kind of HTML emails;
  • it would be nice in emails with multiple recipients to have a way of displaying all the recipients by expanding the header of the email, maybe there’s a way but I couldn’t find it.

Right now I’m on the free license for the desktop app but I’m considering switching over to a personal license. Any sales in sight? :wink:

Thanks for your hard work and for your time!