Hang while importing postbox on Win10

Hello, new user trying out emClient on Windows 10.

When I try to import my Postbox setup during installation, emClient hangs shortly after clicking “Next”. I don’t see a list of accounts, I don’t see anything but low CPU activity, no disk activity by the emClient process. I tried letting it run for 6 hours, but nothing happens.

I looked into the Logs directory, but don’t see anything related to the import.

How do I go about debugging this?

Hello, any help here? I’m sure you are slammed with postbox users, I’ve tried this a few times and still get the same result.

When I try to import my Postbox setup during installation, emClient hangs shortly after clicking “Next”.

There was a new interim release version 10.1.4411 on the 23rd October “which had a few fixes for the Postbox import” and also a newer interim update V10.1.4417 since then as well.

So suggest if you haven’t completed the eM Client initial setup and haven’t tried either of the above eM Client versions yet, then uninstall your current version and delete the database when asked on the uninstall wizard.

Then download the latest V10.1.4417 from the release history page and install that and see if that will setup and import ok.

Also when you setup your accounts if nothing still happens when you click Next, “toggle around your windows” to see if there is any “prompts” wanting you to press something.

Thanks for the stuff to try. I was able to uninstall without issue.
Tried v10.1.4417, and the same hang happens. As far as I can tell after cycling through my windows there are no hidden prompt windows.

I am pretty sure at this point that something is corrupted in my postbox install, actually. There are folders that are displaying “-1” for the unread message count on startup, and I know these folders have a set of unread messages. When I click on the folders, the message count gets set properly. I’ve tried repairing them, but on the next restart the count goes back to -1.

I suspect that whatever is broken in my folders is what is causing the hang when I try to import my postbox install.

Hello, I have tried again with the latest version (10.1.4588) and I get the same result still. While using the windows resource monitor, I see the executable file MailClient.exe startup. When I click ‘File->Import’ and select Postbox, there is a bunch of file activity, and then after a few seconds the MailClient.exe program disappears from the list, and I see the emClient GUI just hang. When I tell windows to close the program, a crash file is written. Is there anything I can do to log more data on what is hanging during the start of the import?

As you are still having problems importing your postbox account with the latest eM Client version then there could be some eg: existing database issue in your Postbox database where then eM Client then carn’t read it so fails all the time.

So if you have purchased eM Client and have a current active Pro or Personal version, then you can login to the VIP support page and lodge a support ticket who can then advise

Apart from lodging a support ticket, I can only suggest to optionally try “exporting your postbox mail to a .mbox format” as per the following Postbox website link, and then import that in eM Client via “Menu / File / Import” and choose Mbox.

If that then works, You can also export your Postbox Contacts in your Postbox Address book to a .CSV file using the Tools / Export menu as per the following Postbox link. You can then import that into eM Client via “Menu / File / Import” and choose .CSV file.

Turns out somehow the panacea.dat was corrupt in my profile. When I copied that over from a good profile, the import works. Although the import also imports all the postbox compaction backups (files named #PB#*)