Grey title bar

Maybe it’s a Windows 8 feature. If so, it’s a bad one. I have to say that I am unable to find a single application that does not change focus colour (including Windows itself). We must be looking at very different things.

This is my last post on this matter. Thank you for your responses.

could you please name a few applications that do not change colour? i cannot find any that do not do it!

If you want to grow the business you really need to look toward catering to business users. Organizations are not quick to upgrade their operating systems in general, less quick when the upgrade offers zero benefit to their users and organization (read Windows 8.x). Creating a UI with no backward compatibility to appear esthetically and functionally pleasing in Windows 7, Vista or XP (yes, MANY organizations have thousands of users still running XP) was a major oversight in my opinion.

No more from me either. I am out.

I think that Windows XP will soon enough be replaced by companies, because Microsoft is ending support for it in a few months…then there won’t be security updates anymore, putting those organizations at a big risk related to hackers and viruses.

I think those organizations will upgrade to Windows 7, maybe Windows 8.

(but this is another discussion :slight_smile: